Saturday 11 February 2012

Bisy backson.

I'm not going to say I'm back. Because that implies some kind of rekindled dedication to regular posting, and I'm just not sure if that is a reality that I can commit to at this very second.

At the moment, there is a great deal of thinking important thoughts going on inside my head. This is quite taxing and requires a relative degree of madness.

For therapy, I have been painting parts of my house.

I have decided, that with it's expansive walls and super high ceilings, painting whole rooms of the house in one go is an overwhelmingly large task. And I suspect such giant tracts of colour would perhaps be overwhelming for the sets of eyeballs that live inside the house. So instead I am painting small parts of rooms and experimenting with the ways in which little moments of passing colour can change the feel of the place. 

I have tried to photograph some of this but there is a giant thunderstorm outside and no natural light except of the extremely gloomy kind and it all just looks a bit blerg. I will wait for a sunny day and then share the joy of the very small painting project with you.

The insane storminess is a bit of a theme around here lately. It has been relentlessly rainy. But because I am a sterling dog owner, I have been taking my dog out in the extreme super wetness. This is what the beach looked like a couple of days ago when I was there with my dog and she made friends with another dog called Rufus who looked scary but was really quite nice. Rufus is a pretty good dog name I think.

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