Monday, 4 April 2011

Looking, looking, looking.

Looking at things. Trying to figure out if I have to look at things differently to get all creative on their collective asses. Hmmm. Car park still looks like a car park. If I were actually an artist, which I am totally not, would I see something else? Would it still be car park? Or would it be huge swathes of grey, yellow stripes and chirpy coloured cars with black, black tyres? Do artists have some kind of app in their eyeballs that turns everything into a potential project? I did get a bit excited by a kind of weird power box electrical mystery object that had a lovely symmetrical row of holes along the top of it. I could for sure crochet a cover for that. It would just be a variation on the theme of tea cosy. Nice. 


  1. Ethel Dear,
    Have you notified Etsy of your return to creative pursuits? I imagine that they might have some sort of catastrophic downturn in profits now that you know that you can make all that stuff too. Best let them know.

  2. Oh Maude,
    You are such a helpful lady. Hurry back from the shops now.
