Thursday, 26 May 2011

Three strikes.

Okay. So you may have noticed that I have been suspiciously silent on the topic of painting class number three. This is mostly because I wasn't there. I know. Such bad form. But I was really tired and I knew that if I forced myself I would run the risk of tainting the whole affair with drudgery and chore-like-ness. And I knew that I wasn't gonna be able to paint for crap. So I stayed at home and hung out with my family and wore my comfortable pants and watched telly. I was the anti-creative.

But tomorrow I am going to do something entirely new on the creative pursuits spectrum. My friend Briony is going to teach me how to make cheese. Yes! Cheese! Made by me! Fashioned with my own hands. It's going to be haloumi cheese because apparently this is the cheese that cheese making novices are least likely to ruin. Luckily Briony has plenty of cheese making chops so I'll be taking notes. I may even take some photographs so that I can share the cheesy joy with you.  I feel assured that even though I ditched painting class, making cheese exists somewhere on the creative pursuits spectrum and will be an allowable substitution. And you can't eat paint so, you know, points for cheese.

I think we might look a little bit like this whilst we make the cheese.

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