On my god, I have fallen back into the role of neglectful and uncaring blog administrator with very little aardvark action taking place in the last few weeks. In my defense, I have been a little preoccupied trying to find us somewhere to live. This is not as straightforward as it may sound, and is in fact completely doing my head in. I am utterly mental with not-knowing-what-to-do-ness. Do we a) try to buy a house, b) rent another house, c) stay where we are in the hope that this house i) doesn't sell or ii) the new owners want tenants in it or do we d) go live in the local caravan park and stop thinking about all these questions that do not have answers because they relate to a future that I cannot possibly predict?
Why is life so tricky like that? And why am I so concerned about making the right decision? Usually I just sort of do whatever seems like the easiest thing. But right now, nothing feels easy. I might have to bring out the big guns and try to crochet my way out of this pit of complexity. Plus tomorrow I am going to spend a whole bunch of time painting; finally making a start on the series I thunk up a while ago. If it goes well I may even be brave enough to post some photos of the progress. My hope is that his process will help my brain to find it's way back to equilibrium.
And I still can't get that damn poem right. Because, you know, I'm sure you're just waiting with bated breath to read another one of my poems.
Hey, I just had to think a bit then to remember how to spell 'bated breath' so I looked it up. Check this out on World Wide Words - who even knew about aphesis? And I suffer from it! Heaps of my mates drop the first vowel of my name and go with Thena (or Theens or Theenyboo). They are subjecting me to aphesis! (Jessie Williams, I'm looking at you). I feel so relieved to have a diagnosis for this debilitating affliction.
I think I want a job at World Wide Words. Maybe just part time. Like, once a month or so. In between using all my precision honed analytical skills to decide where the hell my family is supposed to live. Yerg.
got my ears to the ground for a good rental... but look around for something to buy to - you might be surprised! Go see the bank and see what you can do. Knowledge is POWER!!