Tuesday, 23 August 2011

I spy.

Prosecco (i)

Prosecco (ii)

The Home Paddock.

After the river
We walk up the hill
You in front
The gloss of your silt heavy hair
A firework, a flare
Lighting the way
And I follow

Cicada song
Fills my heart
Burning like bees
My bright honey blood
Sails ever onwards
Slow and thick
With longing

Our bare heels
Strike the earth
Like tiny hammers
And I am hypnotised
By the long grass
Closing quietly
Behind you.


Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Get your grown up pants out.

Well. With remarkably little fuss, interrupted by a few rounds of overwhelming nausea, we have for real bought us a house. We have happily joined the ranks of the terminally indebted and I don't even care! Here are some of the reasons why -
  • I will never have to see another vertical blind inside my house, ever.
  • I will never have to cook another meal in a salmon pink kitchen.
  • I can buy a shitload of these......
                                                           ........ and screw them willy nilly into my walls.
  • Gas baby, GAS!
  • Nobody can throw my family into turmoil and unrest by selling the house we live in to someone else who will also want to live in it.
  • Original 85 year old beautifully polished floorboards.
  • I can finally buy my husband the coolest bike rack ever and set it up. But I can't show you a picture cause then he will see it and the surprise would be a bit less surprising. And where's the fun in that.
  • Painting parties. 
  • I am going to get my friend Jimmy-the-Builder to knock a bloody great hole through the dining room wall. A hole. In the wall. That I don't have to putty up when I leave.
  • I no longer have to engage in the insanity which is the grossly inflated rental shitfight in Coledale where I live. Lived.
  • Last weekend, the corner store ran out of newspapers. This is a sign. For sure.
So what with the ominous portents and the rising rent bonanza, it really is time to go. Besides, I have a whole lot of shades of grey to consider. And some cracking vintage lace curtains to air out.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

From the market today.


The big house.

Okay. So I think maybe this blog is going free range. Yes, the original concept was to talk about the creative process and all it's manifestations, but I am finding that it is a bit impossible to restrict myself to such a limited palette. Cause, you know, a lot else is happening. And I would quite like to write about it. So I'm gonna.

For instance, in the last 10 days we have pretty much bought a house. Just like that. Found it, loved it, did a crash course in how-to-purchase-a-home-when-one-is-generally-clueless-about-such-things, and now are awaiting our final approval from the bank. It seems the bank is actually willing to give us a slab of money, for which we will of course be eternally indebted to them, and I am filled with amazement at how attached I have become to the idea of never having another house inspection ever again. Haha! I encourage you to imagine my gleeful chortling whilst I contemplate this joyful turn of events.

Thursday, 4 August 2011