Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Get your grown up pants out.

Well. With remarkably little fuss, interrupted by a few rounds of overwhelming nausea, we have for real bought us a house. We have happily joined the ranks of the terminally indebted and I don't even care! Here are some of the reasons why -
  • I will never have to see another vertical blind inside my house, ever.
  • I will never have to cook another meal in a salmon pink kitchen.
  • I can buy a shitload of these......
                                                           ........ and screw them willy nilly into my walls.
  • Gas baby, GAS!
  • Nobody can throw my family into turmoil and unrest by selling the house we live in to someone else who will also want to live in it.
  • Original 85 year old beautifully polished floorboards.
  • I can finally buy my husband the coolest bike rack ever and set it up. But I can't show you a picture cause then he will see it and the surprise would be a bit less surprising. And where's the fun in that.
  • Painting parties. 
  • I am going to get my friend Jimmy-the-Builder to knock a bloody great hole through the dining room wall. A hole. In the wall. That I don't have to putty up when I leave.
  • I no longer have to engage in the insanity which is the grossly inflated rental shitfight in Coledale where I live. Lived.
  • Last weekend, the corner store ran out of newspapers. This is a sign. For sure.
So what with the ominous portents and the rising rent bonanza, it really is time to go. Besides, I have a whole lot of shades of grey to consider. And some cracking vintage lace curtains to air out.

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