Monday, 5 September 2011

Holey dooley.

So, for a few of you who have very kindly been following along since the beginning, you will know that the story of the aardvark is all about the attempted awakening of my dormant creative brain. Dormant believed deceased, in fact. I have been experimenting with creative projects and having oodles of fun blowing on the glowing embers of my mind. Painting, tick. Photography, tick. Poetry, tick. Singing, tick. (Haha! Didn't tell you about the singing. Secret singing.) Crocheting, tick. I may have even briefly contemplated a musical instrument. But now, at last, I have come across a project which has me absolutely hooked and gasping like a speckled trout. I wanted a creative project to work on. Okay, hows about a whole entire house.

Cause that's what happens when you buy one. Quite suddenly, every single aesthetic concept you have been secretly squirreling away in your brain for the last decade wants to haul ass out of your head and get a hearing. This makes it quite difficult to sleep.

I don't know about you, but I grew up in my mother's house. And she was totally in charge of what that place looked like. I mean, it was nice and had some art and some cool rugs and stuff, but household aesthetics were firmly in control of the matriarch. And fair enough too. I would have had life size Kenny Loggins posters for living room wallpaper if I'd had my way. And after leaving my mum's house, I lived in rental houses for my whole life. Dozens and dozens of them. Which means that when I move into our new house in about 3 weeks time, it will be the first time ever in my life that I am actually in charge of what my house looks like. Mind boggling, yes?

Thus, every morning when my eyes snap open, my brain just continues it's unstoppable monologue as if sleep had been nothing more than a brief lapse in concentration. Inside my brain, it sounds a bit like this, ".....and then the Parker could go against the side wall and oh my god what if Jimmy made us one of those built in bench seats right under the dining room window and it could have storage under it and I think we should pull out the weird shrubbery beside the garage cause it would make a good herb garden if it gets enough sun and the bathroom I'm thinking seriously charcoal with gloss white window frames or is that all a bit twee the grey thing is so borderline overused right now but soft soft pearly grey maybe like baby rabbit fur grey and I wonder about a headboard I mean what is the purpose of them anyway but what if it was a bookshelf headboard just like a bookshelf built around the bed shape and then it could have the ceramic bunnies on top oh no they might fall down so perhaps the softie collection could live there and we'll need at least two more magnetic knife holders I could get those wooden ones from etsy that I love and really the only wall long enough for the giant bookshelf will be in the dining room and what if I painted the wardrobe white and put the jackalope decals on it...."

Who knew it would be so insanely, immensely fun to be able to think about this stuff? I mean, painting classes were fun but this, this is a whole other packet of squid. Mmmmm, squid chips.

1 comment:

  1. oh yay! Welcome to the world of making (for reals)...
