Mostly though, I had a great time because I was mixing colours and talking about complementary tones and measuring things with my eyes squinted up and my paint brush handle waving around in the air. Just like Fiona taught me. So artisty. And then I learned about triangular composition and breaking objects into simple shapes and blocking in so there is no scary white canvas left. Awesome! This Fiona lady knows so many heaps of things about painting. I like her even if she wears questionable shoes.
So I went ahead and painted my three pears with some fabric and a bit of table and it was unreal and I loved every minute of it. And they were even quite pear like and I was totally chuffed with myself. They aren't finished quite yet, I have to put in my moody mood lighting shadows next week. The thing that is most amazing is that I have had this feeling for such a long time that I would love painting but always told myself that it was a foolish, fanciful delusion that was in no way achievable. But last night I had a little breakthrough and realised that anyone can probably paint if they have someone like Fiona to help them understand the process. I'm in no way convinced that I am capable of producing great art, or even good art, but I can paint a pear that looks like a pear and I can love doing it.
omg you mean you can LEARN to be creative? That's so exciting. What will I do? Awesome stuff thena