Thursday 7 April 2011

Alrighty then.

I am setting some rules. I figure some kind of purpose is required or else I will just waft around suffering from intermittent bursts of half formed ideas. So.

Rule number one.
I need to photograph something inside my house, or in my immediate surroundings, at least once every 48 hours.

Rule number two.
I will enrol in a painting class and go to it and do painting. I have an idea about painting a llama. True story. And in a beautiful piece of synchronicity, two of my delightful birth support clients insisted on giving me a monetary bonus today - which will pay for painting class. Thank you Polly & Simon.

Rule number three.
I will produce at least one reasonable piece of poetry every two weeks. I think. I'm not really sure if this is possible but I can have a crack at it.

Erm. That might be all the rules for now. Oh, and I will update the blog at least twice a week. Even though no one might especially look at it, it is a thing I like to do.

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